On this page we will keep you up to date with all our latest news. We will include information which we would like to disseminate, sermon & choir recordings, latest bulletins from the Diocese of St Albans, directives from the Church of England and anything else which is relevant to the community of Kimpton.
Kimpton Church is open.
The Church is open everyday from 9am-5pm for Book Swap, jigsaw puzzles, prayer and quiet time.
Come and find the peace that is so much a part of a building where worship has gone on for at least six centuries!
We record services week by week for people who cannot get to church. You can find them on this website under NEWS. The ones from former Sundays are transferred to ONLINE RESOURCES.
Christenings, Weddings and Funerals, Graveside funerals and interment of ashes are available upon request. Speak to the Revd. Liz Guest about these services.
The church is open every day from 9am-5pm for Book swap, jigsaw puzzles, prayer and quiet time.
We have a new Vicar, The Rev Liz Chilton-Guest, so let’s all give her a big Kimpton welcome.
At the back of the church, there is a table from which food can be collected if you are in need.
God Bless
THIS WEEK’S SERVICE Rev Liz Chilton-Guest 17th November