

Like Churches and organisations across the country, we face extremely challenging times ahead. Kimpton Church continues to be active as we seek to support our church family and our community in Kimpton and beyond.

It takes around £50,000 per year to fund the day to day operations within the Church in Kimpton.

This is outside what the Restoration Trust provides to ensure the fabric of the church is maintained.

About 73% of our annual spend is the Parish Share.  Parish Share is the annual contribution made by all churches of the Church of England to central funds.  Churches receive that money back in terms of provision, training and housing of clergy as well as resources, training and support for parishes.  Every church’s ‘share’ is ‘shared out’ among every church. 

We have other expenses like electricity, insurance and printing which we have to meet. 

Making a Contribution

The work of St Peter & St Paul, Kimpton depends on the generosity of people like you. Your support enables us to continue all of the different aspects of our ministry and mission in Kimpton and the wider community. We rely almost entirely on donations and collections at church services to support your church. So, we are genuinely grateful for every donation we receive.

There are many ways in which people can make a financial contribution to Kimpton Church. Regular payments can be made via direct debit. Some people choose to make one-off legacy donations. The regular Sunday collection is another source and in pews we have Gift Aid envelopes to ensure we can maximise the contribution which people make.

Outward Giving

The PCC in Kimpton have long supported us giving away a proportion of what we receive to those in more need than ourselves. Each year we make a donation to a number of local, national and international charities. Our Outward Giving Committee oversee this and research the charities we give to in order to ensure that they operate in a way which is consistent with our Christian values.

How to Give?

You can support us in the following ways:

If you wish to make an online transfer, bank details are;

Kimpton Parochial Church Council,
Barclays Bank plc,
Harpenden Branch
Account number: 20293385
Sort code: 20-74-09

Cheques, made payable to Kimpton PCC, can be sent to;

The Vicarage,
11 High Street,
SG4 8RA.

Regular donations are essential to help us plan our future work.


If you would like to donate to the work of your church regularly via a monthly direct debit

The Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) is an easy way to donate to the work of your church via a monthly direct debit. To donate via the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS), please set up a monthly direct debit. To join go to this link Kimpton St Peter and St Paul or make a 15-minute phone call to 0333 002 1271. You will need the following information:

Your personal bank account number and sort code
  – Our parish name which is ‘Kimpton St Peter and St Paul’
  – If you would like to increase your donation each year in line with inflation
  – Confirm if you are eligible for gift aid
  – Quote the code for our parish which is 320632248

If you are an existing PGS donor and would like to increase your monthly amount, then please call 0333 002 1260 or email

You will need to quote your PGS number which can be found on the original PGS confirmation letter or the reference number on your banks direct debit. If you cannot find it, don’t worry, PGS will be able to with your name and address.


If you would like to leave a legacy

Leaving a legacy to St Peter and St Paul Church Kimpton continues your story and celebrates your life for the benefit of future generations. We are all beneficiaries of previous legacies and future legacies will continue to enable our capital expenditure projects or provide the funds to develop the ministry we offer to the community.

When drawing up your will, please remember that your church is a charity and that your gift will be celebrated and will have impact on the life and work of our church.

To speak to someone about leaving a legacy to St Peter & St Paul Church Kimpton, please contact our Treasurer Mark Baldwin on 07884 496781.

Thank you for supporting your church in this vital way